FEDIAF collaborates with sister organisations in Brussels active in the animal feed chain as well as a range of other organisations.
European Commission
FEDIAF is part of the European Commission’s Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health and the EU Platform on Animal Welfare. Furthermore, FEDIAF is also a member of the SPS Market Access Working Group and the TRADE Civil Society Dialogue group.
European Parliament
FEDIAF regularly follows the debates of the “Environment, Public Health and Food Safety” and the “Agriculture and Rural Development” Committees. Furthermore, FEDIAF also regularly attends the European Parliament’s Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals.
European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA)
FEDIAF is part of the EFSA Stakeholder Forum.
FEDIAF is a member of FoodDrinkEurope, the European food and drink federation.
For more information please visit https://www.fooddrinkeurope.eu/
Global Alliance of Pet Food Organisations (GAPFA)
FEDIAF is a founding member of the Global Alliance of Pet Food Associations (GAPFA). GAPFA represents thirteen national and regional pet food industry associations and three companies of pet food manufacturers across the globe (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Korea, Europe/FEDIAF, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, and the US).
GAPFA’s mission is to support the health and wellbeing of dogs and cats and to promote the benefits of living with them, by providing a forum to address industry consensus on key issues of mutual interest.
For more information please visit https://www.gapfa.org
FEDIAF is cooperating with AnimalHealthEurope in the form of the Pet Alliance Europe, which was formed in 2021. The Pet Alliance promotes the beneficial role of pets in society and advocates for responsible pet ownership.
For more information please visit https://pet-power.eu/
Other Stakeholders
FEDIAF also regularly cooperates with other stakeholders including FEFAC, FEFANA, EPO, FECAVA, FVE and EFPRA.
FEDIAF is a member of the EU FCTF (EU Feed Chain Task Force on the Catalogue of Feed Materials), a gathering of 41 EU organisations of the different sectors of the feed chain (feed material producers, traders, compound feed manufacturers and farmers) whose mission is to maintain and upgrade the EU Catalogue of Feed Materials (https://www.feedmaterialsregister.eu)